Just over a year ago, my mother gave me her china. A few years after my daddy passed away in 1998, she started distributing heirlooms among my sisters and I. She wanted to share in our joy as well as make dividing her estate a little more simple when the time came. It was a wise decision, and I applaud her for making it. I believe it has helped all of us to better grieve our father's passing.
So, last summer, Momma brought her German China to me. Daddy bought it for her when they were stationed in Weisbaden, Germany in the early 1970's with the US Air Force. White, with a delicate platinum trim, it is (mostly) a 12 place setting with coffee service, 3 platters, a vegetable bowl and soup tureen. The china has been safely stored in the top of my boys closet, for a year.
In March of this year, I found a treasure a local flea market/junk shop. It was a china cabinet, in fairly good condition. So, I bought it, hauled it home and made a quick trip to Walmart for paint and supplies. I scrubbed it down and gleefully started painting. It was early enough in the day, I was sure I could complete my project by the days end, and could unpack my heirloom china the next day. I've always been more than a little optimistic, and I didn't account for the high humidity or the cold front that came in that evening. In a hurry, I had to bring it into the house, and there it sat. For nearly six months.
A couple more coats of paint, and VOILA!

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